I have alot of recommendations in gacha life! I know your creation Gacha Club very soon, But perhaps you could make this a report on here! To begin with, I think there ought to be more hues. I know there is alot, yet I figure it would be a good thought to include more and sort out it! You could have an area called "Hair hues" and put all the hues comparing to hair shading in it! It would support us, the players to discover the hues simpler! It would make you look sorted out also. Something else you could consider including is more kid garments. I heard you were gunna include this in Gacha Club, yet you could update this game and make Gacha Club a superior adaptation. I might likewise want to see more choices on everything. This is all my assessment and audit. I love your application and welcome you making it. Its a great game! This https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/prodigymath-games-online/elllhpgkkmhnbglbiojabgdcbdbbknck is unfathomably fun I discovered it while searching for an educational program for my pre-K child during isolate. He is anticipating dealing with math and attempting to peruse so he can fight new pets and level up. I envision this game being an important instrument all through his training. I even made my own symbol so I could keep my math abilities up while doing analytics in school. In the event that you could please include a few integrals and separation with the goal that I can be doing schoolwork while dawdling I would be inconceivably thankful.
Owetrevi replied
335 weeks ago